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Larklands Infant School

Reach for the moon, even if you miss you will land among the stars


Learning last week!

We are always busy in Nursery and through our play we are constantly learning! 

Check out the amazing things we do at Larklands Nursery! 

Week 1 Autumn Term



This week we have been using our new light table and our new interactive whiteboard. We have listened carefully how to look after them properly so that we can be super learners when using them!

Week 2 Autumn Term



This week Mrs Williamson chatted to the children about using natural materials to make a picture. She used the work of to show them what they could make. The children were then encouraged to chat about the shapes that were in their work!

Week 3 Autumn Term



This week we have been thinking about the signs of Autumn. We used Autumn colours to make prints and collages. We did some leaf rubbing and examined Autumn 'treasure' under the visualiser and magnifying glasses. We used our scissors carefully to cut out Autumn leaf shapes.
We chatted about homes around the world and how our houses have numbers on them and we carefully wrote those numbers!

Week 4 and Week 5 Autumn Term



We have been so busy celebrating Harvest and Sukkot. We thought about how Jewish people celebrate Sukkot by building Sukkahs and decorating them with Harvest fruits. We made decorations and mini Sukkahs!
We looked at the bigger and smaller wheels on Tractors and drew our own and named all the fruit and veg that Mrs Astle showed us. We thought about where and how it grows and were amazed when we looked inside them. We then used them to print with and made a wonderful Harvest display, have you seen it?
We looked at the apple tree outside Nursery and spotted some ripe apples!

Week 6 Autumn Term

Click on the files below to see what we have done in the past. 
