Starting Point (Any safeguarding concerns)
Tel: - 01629 533190
Out of hours Call Derbyshire (Children, young people and adult Social care)
Tel:- 01529 532600
Police Central Referral Unit, Butterley Hall, Ripley, Derbyshire, DE5 3RD.
Tel:- 0300 1228719
Tel:- 0800 11 11
NSPCC - National Helpline
Tel:- 0808 800 5000
Child Protection Manager for Schools and Education settings in Derbyshire - Debbie Peacock
Tel:- 01629 531079
DCC Child Protection and Safeguarding Team
Tel:- 01629 532178
Lead office for Prevent at DCC - Seamus Carroll
Tel:- 01629 538494
Derbyshire Police - Non Urgent
Tel:- 101