-Ms Hassall & Mrs Smith
Teaching Assistants-Mrs Cannon, Mrs Warrington & Mrs Murden
Intervention Groups run by: Mrs Hancock &
Mrs Cannon
Wednesday 24th June
Today we held a medieval banquet in the hall.
Friday 1st May
Eco Day at Larklands!
Thursday 30th April
We spent a very exciting afternoon at Ormiston Ilkeston Academy. Our work was based on 'Singing in the Rain.'
Monday 12th January
Today Mr Mee came into school to talk to us about a railway safety competition. The first prize is a train ride to Sheffield.We began to design our posters and learn all about the history of trains
Our Topic for Autumn 1 2014 is Animals Around Us.
We will be finding out about how animals, including humans, use their senses to find out about the world around them. We will learn about the different foods animals need to stay alive.
Autumn Term 2 2014
This term we will be finding out about
'Where we live'
We will look at our local area and begin to find out what it was like to live in Ilkeston a long time ago.
Spring Term 1 2015
During this half term we are celebrating different cultures from around the world. We will be thinking about the similarities and differences between our lifestyles and those of children in other countries.
Spring Term 2 2015
Our theme this term will
'Take 1 Picture.'
We will be looking at the picture 'Umbrellas' by Renoir
Summer Term 2015
This half term we will be finding out all about Castles.We are going on a trip to Warwick Castle to find out what a real castle is like.