Meet Sid the Stingray, he is our talking toy who helps us with our Communication, Language and Literacy. This is an area we are focussing on in Nursery to improve children's listening and attention, speaking and understanding. We use him in circle time to chat about anything or specific things. When you hold Sid, everyone is a super listener with Sid and only the person holding Sid speaks!
Circle Time 24.03.14
We played a memory game in our groups and tried hard to memorise the items on a tray. One item was taken away, which one was left????
Circle Time 17.03.14
Everybody loves playing 'I spy ....' but in order to win, you need to listen carefully, look for clues and be confident to guess.
Circle Time 10.03.14
What is your favourite colour? Can you say why?
Circle Time 03.03.14
To celebrate World Book Day we came dressed up as a character who we would like to come to tea, like in the story 'The tiger who came to tea'. We chatted about who we were dressed up as!
Circle 24.02.14
What would you like to be when you grow up? We have had lots of visitors in Nursery this week talking about their important jobs and we listened carefully to how they help us.
Sid has been very interested in finding out about what the children have been chatting about when the had a turn with the Snuggle Sack!
We decided to give our Snuggle Sacks a try after hearing about it's success at a different school. We are always encouraging our parents and carers to take time to talk to their children, quality time. Time, when there are no other distractions, of which there are many these days. Modern technology is amazing when used in moderation and for quality purposes but communicating face to face is crucial to a child's development.
Inside the 'Snuggle Sack' there is a blanket, a book for writing or drawing about your chat and a book or picture for inspiration if needed. You can chat about your day, your favourite things, something you are looking forward to or the book or picture in the bag.
Many children have had photos printed and stuck in or they have drawn a picture. We have been delighted with the feedback and response to this new initiative and enjoy seeing the children's pride and enjoyment when talking about their turn with the 'Snuggle Sack'!
Here are some links to information about how to communicate with your child and the difference it makes.