Welcome to Larklands Nursery!
Teacher - Miss Morgan
We are very excited to welcome you to the Nursery class page where we will keep you up to date on our learning journey!
In our 'What's new?' page, you will find out about what is happening in Nursery. This is where all our important notices are kept, so check it out regularly!
Click below on what's new...
Have you filled in a WOW voucher this week?
In your child's book folder, there is an envelope with lots of blank vouchers ready to complete. As parents, you are your child's main educator and you know them best! What have they achieved lately? What can they do that they have not been able to do before?
Write it on a voucher and give it to your child's key worker who will record it as part of your child's learning journey!
We have been thinking about what we would like to learn about in Nursery. Much of our planning is child interest led and our children have come up with some super ideas.
Here is someone who can help!
This is Wish Wizard .....Have you spotted him in the entrance hall to Nursery?
He would love to know what exciting activities you would like to do or what you would like to know about.
Check out his blog by clicking on Wish Wizard and logging in!
At Larklands Nursery we love reading and it plays a great part in our learning. We are always looking for new ways to inspire children to read and enjoy books.
What is your favourite book?
Go to Mrs Astle's blog by clicking on her 'wee mee' picture below, login and let her know why it is your favourite!
It makes an interesting read, have a browse, Mums and Dads, what was your favourite story when you were little and why?
We have also extended our Reading Corner. Reading is of great importance to all children and in Nursery we all love listening to and talking about stories.
We use the ECAT (Every Child A Talker) materials to extend our communication and language skills.
Click on Sid the Stingray to find out about what we have been talking about!
We are very lucky at Larklands Nursery to have two Level 3 qualified Forest School leaders, Miss Banks and Mrs Williamson. They run a six week long program with a group of ten children in the 'forest' at the rear of the school.
At Larklands Nursery we understand the importance of outdoor learning in the lives of young children and ensure that every effort is made to use our grounds and resources to their full potential. We have seen first hand the impact the sessions have on the children in terms of self-confidence and self-awareness, understanding the world and increased progress with communication and language skills.
Click below to find out more about what the Nursery children have been doing during their time in Forest Schools. (scroll all the way down)
Getting Ready for Nursery
are working together to offer 'Getting Ready for Nursery' sessions for children who are a term away from starting Nursery at Larklands. They will be held at Larklands Nursery at a time which will be determined by the number of children attending and each session lasts an hour and after the initial session where you stay and play with your child, you can drop your child off and collect them an hour later for the rest of the sessions. They will be led by Larklands staff and fully qualified staff from our local children's centre, Karen, who is equally excited about providing this valuable opportunity to the children in the Larklands area.
During these sessions your child will have opportunities to join in with the activities that the rest of the Nursery children are taking part in and will also have a separate group time. Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development are the prime areas of the EYFS that we will be mainly focussing on. Your child will have a Learning Journal displaying their progress and achievements which will follow your child through to their start at Larklands Nursery.
This is an exciting opportunity to collaborate with our local children's centre and to prepare the children in our area for the learning journey which they are about to embark on and we are very proud to be a part of such a project!
Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your teacher know!