This is the page where you will find out about all events and important notices in Nursery.
The afternoon children will be having their class photo taken again on Tuesday the 21st May, please send your child in full school uniform.
Please note that the planned sponsered mini-obstacle race will not be taking place on the 17th May, Nursery will be hosting this exciting event later on in the term.
Watch this space for more details!
People who help us!
After thinking about Renoir and the job he did, we thought about whether Mrs Astle would be a good artist! It turns out we didn't really think so! This week we have been chatting about what we would like to be when we grow up.
Everybody came up with lots of ideas ranging from a clown, a nurse, a princess, a fireman, the queen to a cowboy!
Everyone thought that a doctor was a very important job and we made a doctors surgery in the role play area. We pretended we were lots of different characters and made up different storylines to use when we played with our friends.
We were also very lucky to have firefighters come to visit to tell us all about how they help people. Andy and Elliot showed us the clothes they wear and the tools they use. Then, we got to look at the fire engine, sit in the cab and also use the hose to spray lots of water!!!!!!!!
What an exciting day!
After a lot of legal wrangling, work has begun on our Climbing Frame to finally complete the safety surface surrounding it. Once the wetpour has been done and the whole area has been inspected for safety purposes then it will be ready to use!!
Rain rain go away!
Hopefully we can start to see signs of Spring now at Nursery as the weather gets better. Over the next couple of weeks we will be thinking about 'umbrellas' through April showers and we will be looking closely at the famous picture by Renoir 'The umbrellas'.
We will be having a brolly day on Thursday 18th April where each child can bring a brolly to school, it can be any shape or size!!!
Watch this space for the amazing artwork we will create!
Thank you to all those who attended our Family Day and who bought raffle tickets. There were lots of familiar faces and proud children showing off their Nursery and also lots of new faces too and some lovely chats!
7th March
Make a mask at home linked to the traditional tale 'The Three Little Pigs' and wear it on the 7th to win a prize for the best mask!
Look in the documents below for some templates if you are stuck for ideas!
DIGGING DAY - Friday 8th February - has been cancelled due to cold weather, will be re-scheduled soon!
Easter Raffle - Tickets now on sale
from Nursery ............. £1 a strip
All funds raised go towards much needed resources in Nursery.
Prizes will be drawn on
Family Day 28th March @ 10am
Tuesday 22nd January
WOW! Well done to those children who went on our blogging pages over the weekend. Have you visited our Nursery blog pages? Don't forget to visit Wish Wizard's page to see what the children have been wishing for!!!
Click on the wizard to find out!
Also have a look at some of the super Wee Mees,
they are all amazing!
Friday 18th January
Our new school website launch day - don't forget to try to wear something purple!!!
Remember to watch this space for exciting news about Nursery!!!!