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Larklands Infant School

Reach for the moon, even if you miss you will land among the stars


Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!


Here you will find all of the information about what we will be doing each half term.

You will also be able to see some of the activities and lovely work that children have been doing.


Adults in our class are; 

Mrs Kelly - Teacher Monday & Tuesday

Mrs Southall- Teacher Wednesday, Thursday & Friday

Ms Webb - Teacher Monday - Friday

Mrs Bestwick - HLTA

Mrs Bickley - TA

Mrs Bailey- TA

Miss Fox- TA

Miss Harrison- TA

Mrs Holt -TA

Mrs Lloyd - TA



Our Curriculum is under pinned by British Values. In our classes, we learn how to be a good friend and the importance of following rules to keep us safe and happy.

This half term we will be learning lots of exciting things in our foundation subjects. In Science, we will be finding out what plants need to grow through planting tomatoes, cucumbers and beans. We will be naming parts of a plant and its function. We will observing the changes of seasons between Spring and Summer. In History, we will be finding out about significant individuals from the past including Amelia Earhart, Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake. In Geography, we will be naming the seven continents and five oceans. We will be learning how humans can save our planet and how climate change is affecting our land, rivers, seas and oceans. In Art/DT, we will be finding out about Pop Art and Andy Warhol. We will be drawing self-portraits which we will then turn into Pop Art. We will learn how to mix primary colours to make secondary colours. In DT, we will be learning how to make a moving car using wheels and axels. In Music we will be learning about composition and improvisation. In ICT, we will be making animated stories and presenting our ideas. In PSHE, we will be learning about different family groups, how and who we can trust and processes of growing from young to old. In RE, we will be learning what it means to belong to a faith community. In PE, we will be learning outdoor games and athletic skills. 

We have been learning about algorithms in Computing today.

In Maths, we have been exploring numbers that can be shared into quarters.

We really enjoyed creating pictograms on the I-Pads. We investigated the most popular roll of a dice and recorded out results on a pictogram.

Spring Term

This half term we will be learning about lots of exciting things in our foundation subjects.


Science - We will be exploring materials and their properties/ Season Spring

History & Geography  - We will be finding out about the lives of significant other from the past and in Geography we will be comparing the UK to Kenya.

Art/DT - We will be exploring different designers and recreating our on product based on their designs 

Music - We will be learning how to keep the beat to different pieces of music.

ICT - We will be learning about online safety and sorting and classifying.

PSHE - We will be learning about relationships, respecting each other's space and the qualities that make a good friend. 

R.E. - We will be learning about places of worship.

P.E. - We will be learning how to use the count of 8 in a piece of music to compose a dance.


We had a fabulous Easter Bonnet parade!

In RE, we have been learning about the meaning of a sacred place. We looked at stained glass windows in churches and designed our own.

We loved making our class bunting inspired by Cath Kidston!

We have had so much fun exploring magnets and magnetic fields! We carried out two experiments to feel 'Weightless Arms' and 'Magnetic Hands'.

We all dressed up as characters from books for World Book Day.

Pancake day! We worked in groups to carefully read the recipe and make some yummy pancakes.

In English we have been writing poetry about what we may see in the garden. We went outside to record what we could see, smell, hear and feel. We added interesting adjectives to the nouns that we spotted before working in groups to write a verse of a whole class poem. Finally we performed our verses in groups.

We have been observing signs of winter. We made ice tree decorations by freezing water over night and hanging them on the trees in the playground in the morning once they had frozen.

Autumn Term

This half term we will be learning about lots of exciting things in our foundation subjects.


Science - Animals (including humans) and their habitats/ Season Autumn

History & Geography  - We will be learning about the history and geography of Ilkeston and will be exploring our local area and practising simple map skills.

Art - We will be exploring Sculptures and models whilst drawing from Nature. We will look at the work of Andy Goldsworthy. 

Music - We will be learning about different untuned instruments and will be creating a simple piece of music.

ICT - We will be learning how to stay safe online and will be using the internet to find information.

PSHE - We will be making sense of the world around us, getting to know each other and settling back into school routines. 

R.E. - We will be learning about Christianity.

P.E. - We will be practising balancing, agility and co-ordination skills that also involves effective teamwork skills.

RE - We will be looking at Christianity, and what Christians believe and celebrate.

DT - We will be learning about healthy eating and preparing a healthy vegetable soup. We will be practising our chopping, peeling and grating skills. 



We had so much fun at our Christmas party. We played musical statues, wrap a snowman, pin the nose on Rudolf, pass the parcel and much more. Santa even came to visit us!

D&T - Making our Pasta Salad!

D&T - Soup making and tasting! Great peeling, chopping and grating children.

Odd Sock Day -Anti Bullying week

We've been thinking about how to be a good friend and how we are all equal/ special! 

In English, we have been reading Whatever Next by Jill Murphy. We really enjoyed our drama sessions acting out the story. We thought carefully about what the character would say and do to then write a postcard from Baby Bear from Space.

We have been learning about ‘Land Art’ and the artist ‘Andy Goldsworthy. We have learnt what type of art he creates and how he creates it so that we could create our own land art.

ART- Our 'mini models' of natural objects/ creatures.

In Art, we have been exploring the techniques on plasticine to create a woodland sculpture. We looked at woodland photos and chose to either sculpt a hedgehog, acorn or feather. It was lots of fun!

 Our visit from Linford the Tortoise! 

Geography - Our walk around the local environment looking for physical and human features. 


History/Geography- Our walk around Ilkeston looking at past and present.
