Welcome to Year 1!
Here you will find all of the information about what we will be doing each half term.
You will also be able to see some of the activities and lovely work that children have been doing.
Adults in our class are;
Mrs Harrison - Teacher - Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
Mrs Lawson- Teacher - Thursday & Friday
Mrs Warrington - TA
Mrs Lloyd - TA
Mrs Gibling- PPA cover
Our Curriculum is under pinned by British Values. In our classes, we learn how to be a good friend and the importance of following rules to keep us safe and happy.
Autumn Term
This half term we will be learning about lots of exciting things in our foundation subjects.
Science - Animals (including humans) and their habitats/Signs of Autumn.
Geography - We will be learning about our local area and practising simple map skills.
Art - We will be learning about line, space and shape. We will also be looking at portraits and learning about the artists Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse.
Music - We will be learning about pulse and rhythm using a variety of untuned instruments.
ICT - We will be learning how to stay safe online. We will also be looking at grouping and sorting information and how to use pictograms.
PSHE - We will be starting our topic 'Being Me In My World' and celebrating our differences.
History - We will be learning about the history of Ilkeston, including the fair and trams.
P.E. - We will begin with our 'Fundamentals' unit where we will develop our running, balancing and jumping skills. We will then move on to 'Gymnastics' where we will be developing our use of shapes, balances, rolls and jumps in our performances.
RE - We will be looking at Christianity, and what Christians believe and celebrate.
DT - We will be learning about healthy eating and preparing some healthy food. We will be practising our chopping, peeling and grating skills.
Look at our Magnificent Glasses!
Winter Workshop Fun!
We had a great day at Crich Tramway Museum!
Happy New Year!
We hope you had a restful break.
Please take a look at what the children will be learning in Year 1 this half term.
Maths: The children will have the opportunity to revise place value and apply their previously taught knowledge when adding and subtracting numbers up to 50. They will also be practicing counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
Geography: In Geography the children will learn about the United Kingdom; they will learn lots of facts about the countries that form part of it. They will also identify where they live on a map of the United Kingdom using a globe and an atlas.
PSHE: In PSHE the children will be given the opportunity to set their own personal goals and think about ways that they can achieve them.
Science: In Science the children will investigate signs of Winter as well as learn all about materials. They will also have the opportunity to carry out many exciting experiments.
In P.E. this term we will be learning some key gymnastic skills. We will also be practicing ball skills such as catching, tracking and dribbling.
In Art we will be practicing our collage skills and learn about the work of famous sculptors such as Eva Rothschild.
In History we will become history detectives and find out about significant individuals such as Florence Nightingale, Grace Darling and Louis Braille.
In D.T. the children will be given the opportunity to build structures and explore different attachment techniques.
In I.C.T. the children will practice coding and become maze explorers.
In R.E. the children will answer important questions such as 'What makes places sacred?' and 'How do we celebrate special times such as Easter?'