Home Page

Larklands Infant School

Reach for the moon, even if you miss you will land among the stars


Year 2

Welcome to our Year 2 class page

Here you will find all of the information about what we will be doing each half term.

You will also be able to see some of the activities and lovely work that children have been doing.


Meet the Team

We are so lucky to have our wonderful teaching assistants supporting children in all areas of learning.

In Mrs Harrison's and Mrs Lawson's class, Mrs Warrington and Mrs Lloyd do a fantastic job providing children with the care, attention and learning support that is much needed in Year 2. 

In Miss Shaw's class, Mrs Holmes, Mrs Bestwick, Mrs Bacon and Miss Dean  work extremely hard to provide children with the support that they need in all areas of the curriculum.

Welcome to Year 2 letter

British Values

Our curriculum is underpinned by British values. 

Children are taught about the fundamental British values and reminded to follow them throughout everything that we do.

As a result, we hope to nurture children so that they grow into well-rounded, respectful young people in the future.


Summer Term


Have a look at some of the things we will be learning during the summer term.

Science - We will be learning about 'Life Cycles,' 'Plants' and 'Healthy Bodies.'


History - We will be exploring old and new forms of transport and finding out about the first Moon Landing.


Geography - Our topic for the summer term is 'A Wonderful World.'


Art and Design - We will be studying and drawing portraits and self portraits.


Design and Technology - We will be learning all about wheels and axels.


Music - We will be composing, evaluating and exploring similarities and differences in music.


ICT - We will be using our ICT skills to make music and present our ideas.


PSHE - We will be looking at 'Safety' and 'Changing Me.' 


R.E. - We will be finding out what we can learn from sacred books.


P.E. - Athletics.

  Crich Tramway Museum

What a great day out!

We hope you all enjoyed your sweets!

We had a great time taking part in our 'All Stars' cricket sessions today!

Spring Term


Have a look at some of the things we will be learning during the spring term.

Science - We will be investigating a range of materials and their properties.


History - We will be learning about the lives of some famous people in history such as Florence Nightingale, Grace Darling, Rosa Parks and Louis Braille.


Geography - We will be comparing the United Kingdom to Kenya.


Art and Design - We will be completing one large topic looking at famous designers and investigating print and pattern.


Music - We will be continuing to develop our skills in using untuned and tuned percussion instruments. We will also be developing our understanding of rhythm, pitch and tempo.


ICT - We will be learning some simple coding skills and also how to enhance our work by adding sound effects.


PSHE - We will be looking at 'Dreams and Goals' and 'Relationships.' 


R.E. - We will be learning about Judaism.


P.E. - Dance and Ball Skills.


Happy Easter Everyone!

We loved seeing everyone in their Easter bonnets. We all looked fabulous!



We had a visit from the firefighters! We learned all about how to stay safe and what to do in an emergency!





Science week has been so much fun!

We experimented with a bulb, wires and a battery to try and make the bulb light up. We even managed to make the bulb brighter by using 2 batteries and also challenged ourselves to make a circuit with 2 bulbs! 

Happy World Book Day Everyone!

Well done everyone for setting some fantastic 'Dreams and Goals' for the future!

We have been learning about different materials in science.

In PHSE we have been learning how to work together in teams to produce our art work. 

We are going to use our work to create a beautiful display!

This half term we will be learning about lots of exciting things in our foundation subjects.

Science - Animals (including humans) and their habitats.


History & Geography- We will be learning about the history of Ilkeston, paying particular attention to the history of trams in and around Ilkeston. In geography will be exploring our local area and learning simple map skills.


Art - We will be learning about sculpture and the tools/ skills needed to create our own masterpiece.


Design - We will be designing and creating our own moving vehicle.


Music - We will be learning about different untuned instruments and will be creating a simple piece of music.


ICT - We will be learning how to stay safe online and will be using the internet to find information.


PSHE - We will be making sense of the world around us, getting to know each other and settling back into school routines. 


R.E. - Christianity


P.E. - We will be learning about the fundamental skills that are needed for athletics and ball control.

In Science, we have been learning about animals and habitats. We looked in the school grounds to see which animals we could find and noted where we found them. We then came back to our classrooms to talk about which animals are most suited to live where.


In our DT lessons we have been making some delicious food to eat. 

We made a vegetable stir fry using baby corn, mangetout, peppers and noodles. We also added some Chinese 5 Spices!


We made vegetable soup out of carrots, celery, potato, lentils and stock.

We also made pasta salad using pasta, cucumber, tomatoes, grated carrot, yellow pepper and mayonnaise.

We learned about the sculptor Andy Goldsworthy and created

our own nature sculptures.

In Art this half term we created our own mini models inspired by nature.





What a wonderful time we had on Thursday 19th October when we walked up to see the opening of Ilkeston Fair.

We were really proud of how sensibly the children behaved and very grateful to all our

parent helpers. Thank you everyone!
