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Larklands Infant School

Reach for the moon, even if you miss you will land among the stars


Year 2

Welcome to our Year 2 class page

Here you will find all of the information about what we will be doing each half term.

You will also be able to see some of the activities and lovely work that children have been doing.


Meet the Team

We are so lucky to have our wonderful teaching assistants supporting children in all areas of learning.

In Mrs Henshaw's class, Mrs Holmes, Mrs Gibling, MIss Mellor and Mrs Bickley do a fantastic job providing children with the care, attention and learning support that is much needed in Year 2. 

In Miss Shaw's class, Mrs Bestwick, Miss Harrison and Miss Mellor work extremely hard to provide children with the support that they need in all areas of the curriculum.

British Values

Our curriculum is underpinned by British values. 

Children are taught about the fundamental British values and reminded to follow them throughout everything that we do.

As a result, we hope to nurture children so that they grow into well-rounded, respectful young people in the future.


Spring Term


Have a look at some of the things we will be learning during the spring term.

Science - We will be learning about 'Everyday Materials and their Properties'


History - We will be exploring 'terrific transport' including the moon landings. 


Geography - Our topic for the spring term is 'Kenya'.


Art and Design - We will looking at colour mixing as well as the work of artists Cath Kidston and William Morris .


Design and Technology - We will be following on from art and making a product in the style of Cath Kidston.


Music - We are moving onto composing out own music this term as well as looking at some key features of Rock Music.


ICT - We will be learning about coding and creating pictures.


PSHE - We will be looking at 'Dreams and Goals' and 'Healthy Me'. 


R.E. - We will be discussing Judaism and what Jewish people believe.


P.E. - Gymnastics and Ball Skills

Winter Workshop

Thank you to all of the grown-ups who came to help at our Winter Workshop.

We all had a lovely time making lots of Winter crafts. 

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in year two! You might recognise some of our artwork from the winter workshop from a couple of weeks ago!

We had an very interesting science lesson all about animals and where they live. We were very surprised to find out that some animals (like different species of snakes and spiders) might be suited to more than one habitat!



We have been learning lots of fundamental skills in P.E.

Children were excellent at demonstrating balancing with stability this week.

Their favourite game was Banana Split which was part of our warm up.

Art!- We have been practising using line and shade to draw realistic self-portraits. We then painted them in the style of the artist Paul Klee.

Children enjoyed writing their own versions of The Three Little Pigs.

They became real authors and turned their stories into books.

All about Shape

In Maths, we have been learning the names and properties of lots of 2D shapes.
