Our vision at Larklands is to provide a school where children, parents, staff, governors and community work together to offer a welcoming, caring, stimulating and safe environment for every individual. We endeavour to celebrate our achievements together as a school community with each person being valued and respected.
Every child deserves the opportunity to learn and develop in a school environment that is safe and secure; here at Larklands Infant and Nursery School, we work extremely hard to offer an environment for children, where risks are minimised and well managed, and children are protected from harm and abuse.
Our policy is reviewed regularly by the governing body and it applies to all staff, governors, students and volunteers working in our school. All adults in school read and agree to follow the following documents: Larklands Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, Keeping Children Safe in Education and Working Together to Safeguard Children as well as having regular annual training from the Local Authority.
We have policies and procedures in place to make sure we keep children safe and we may ask you questions from time to time about your child's welfare. Please understand it is our job to do this.
The web link above provides information from the government for parents about how to protect children against radicalisation and extremism. If you have any questions about this information, please come into school and talk to a member of staff.
If you have any concerns about extremism or radicalisation, they should be referred to Mrs Smith, Mrs Varney, Mrs Kelly or Mrs Harrison, our Designated Safeguarding Leads. Schools safeguarding email address is :- safeguarding@larklands.derbyshire.sch.uk