A sensible uniform pattern of clothing for school encourages a smart appearance and gives the children a sense of pride in themselves and a corporate identity with the school. Therefore we would ask that parents purchase clothing within the school’s specified dress code colours as follows:-
· White / grey /gold shirt or blouse;
· Grey / Burgundy jumper or cardigan, no hoodies;
· Grey / Black trouser, Not jeans;
· Grey /Black / Burgundy skirt or pinafore dress;
· Red or yellow and white striped or checked dress for summer
Footwear should provide adequate safe cover to the feet (not trainers) but easy for the children to cope with unaided. Black or brown are the recommended colours.
As a result of a change in prices from our uniform supplier, our new prices for uniform are as follows:
Fleece | Size 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 | £12.95 |
Mistral Jacket | Size 3/4, 5/6, 7/8 | £19.95 |
Cardigan | Size 24”, 26”, 28”, 30”, 32” | £10.95 |
Jumper | Size 24”, 26”, 28”, 30”, 32” | £9.95 |
Book Bag | One Size | £6.60 |
PE Bag | One Size | £5.70 |
Winter Hat | One Size | £5.00 |
Sun Hat | One Size | £5.00 |