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Larklands Infant School

Reach for the moon, even if you miss you will land among the stars


Larkland's Rainbow Room

Welcome to Larkland's Rainbow Room!

Positive Play takes place in the Rainbow room during the mornings, these are one to one play sessions with Mrs Trueman who is the positive play support leader.

We have two nurture groups that run during the afternoons Sunshine group meets on a Monday and Tuesday afternoon, Rainbow group meets on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoon. These are small group sessions with up to ten children Mrs Warrington and Mrs Bailey lead these sessions.

For more information on positive play or nurture please see the links attached.


Our Topic's


Sunshine group's topic's for this half term are Elmer, Oceans, Seaside, Share a shell, Picnic.

Rainbow groups topic's for this term are Elmer, Elmer and Wilbur, Oceans, Seaside, Share a shell, Let's Make,Picnic.

